Dedicated to the Women of Spiral Muse
I am honored to produce this series for my sisters in Spiral Muse and I thank with all my heart the motivation and inspiration provided by Dawn Athena for this aspect of my creativity and to who she is within our Community and The World.
This effort is dedicated to our evolving friendship and intentional commitment to honesty & truth.
Thanks also to the women of Spiral Muse, especially Deirdre, Karen and Marci and most especially, Shelly, for continuing inspiration, love and support. Ya'all Rock!
There are several other Portraits at here
Broom Lady Deirdre Laura Kristi
Marcia DJ HeartBeat Anitra Tara
Eleanor DangerAngel Erica Elizabeth
Becca Ariella Dani Rainbow Puddle Home
Spiral Muse
This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.